It is very easy to create HTML documents with Writer. I often use it for it. But there are some problem. For example, images saved in HTML have long and hard readable filenames. It would be great, if I can set filenames like "banner" "footer" "next_button" and so on. One can insert pictures in document creating link. Filename then is available on dialog "Picture" on tab "Picture" at bottom under name "Link. File name". But I create document copy-pasting pictures from Gimp. And for embedded in document pictures is no way to set filename. I propose, add to dialog "Picture" on tab "Picture" in "Link. File name" ability to set filename for picture and check for correct filenames for HTML. Add preserving filenames, if pictures inserted from file Insert->Picture->From file or drag-and-dropped or Edit->Links->Break link. And if names not acceptable, then transliterate it to acceptable form. Or generate filenames for pictures from Navigator->Graphics transliterating it to acceptable form.
[This is an automated message.] This bug was filed before the changes to Bugzilla on 2011-10-16. Thus it started right out as NEW without ever being explicitly confirmed. The bug is changed to state NEEDINFO for this reason. To move this bug from NEEDINFO back to NEW please check if the bug still persists with the 3.5.0 beta1 or beta2 prereleases. Details on how to test the 3.5.0 beta1 can be found at: more detail on this bulk operation:
3.5.3 doesn't allow to change filename for copy-pasted image.