Hi, The emails or URLs once entered are treated as links, that's for writer, calc, and probably some other components as well. But in calc, you can't edit the links, the only option is to delete them and type then again, which is not the expected behavior. Thanks,
Not Reproducible with "LibreOffice 3.3.2 – WIN7 Home Premium (64bit) English UI [OOO330m19 (Build:202 / tag]". Sounds like a user error. @Maximiliano Curia: This is not a valid bug report. May I ask you to read hints on <http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/BugReport> carefully? Then please: - Attach a sample document - Attach screenshots with comments (you can add information using LibO DRAW and then attach your screenshot with comments as PDF) if necessary - Contribute a step by step instruction containing every key press and every mouse click how to reproduce your problem - add information -- what exactly is unexpected -- and why do you believe it's unexpected -- concerning your OS (distribution? Version?) -- concerning your LibO localization (UI language) –- Libo settings that might be related to your problems (video hardware acceleration ...) -- how you launch LibO -- everything else crossing your mind after you read a.m. URL Can you please file Bug reports with status UNCONFIRMED if your are not absolutely sure that you contributed all required background information and that the problem will be reproducible with information you can provide? Thank you!
Closing Bug due to reporter's inactivity as INVALID.
The report was made to Linux all, and was thus invalidly closed as non-reproducible in Windows. You can only reproduce this bug in Linux. Do not try to reproduce it in Windows, because it's a bug that affects the Linux platform. Having said that, it's a bug that has been present for a very long while in many many versions of Open Office, so much that I had grown used to it and considered that it might be a weird feature in the obscure mind of some developer. After encountering the bug report I came to realize that not only there is really no gain at all, but this is 'feature' is not present in the windows version, because of a difference in the widgets used by one or the other. I'll be attaching the required screenshots/documents/etc, although it's quite useless, any Linux user should be able to reproduce this bug. Just type an email address, as in joe@example.com into any LibreOffice component and you'll see how it turns into one single object that cannot be edited or modified, just deleted and re-typed whenever you want to correct it. I repeat: try it in Linux before marking it as UNREPRODUCEABLE again, please.
Created attachment 50250 [details] Screenshot of an example ods file being edited
Created attachment 50251 [details] Screenshot of an example odp file being edited
Created attachment 50252 [details] Example odp file, with email address
Created attachment 50253 [details] Example ods file, with email address.
I have attached screenshots/files for calc and draw. This bug is not present in Writer, where you have an "Edit hyperlink" context menu option that is not present in the other two. This bug is not specific to a LibreOffice version, it's been present in OpenOffice, at least since version 2.2, probably even earlier on. Just to be clear, the bug is the following: After completely entering an email address, said email address becomes a single entity that can't be edited. You can't select part of it, you can't position the cursor in the middle of it, you can't do anything with it that does not consider it as a single entity. Please do not close this bug as unreproduceable again. It's very very very easy to reproduce, you just need a Linux (ANY OF THEM!) OS.
My steps to reproduce with "Example ods file, with email address" and "LibreOffice 3.4.2 - WIN7 Home Premium (64bit) German UI [OOO340m1 (Build:203)]" Goal: Change Cell contents text and link source target Text: joe@example.com my friend Joe Link: joe@example.com myjoe@example.com 1. open sample 2. <f2> cell edit mode as expected 3. <shift+leftarrow> selects all "joe@example.com", alternatively you can use <ctl+a> 4. Click 'Hyperlink' icon in Standard Toolbar (alternatively: Menu 'Insert -> Hyperlink' Hyperlink dialog appears 5. In Receiver pane, modify "mailto:joe@example.com" to "mailto:myjoe@example.com" 6. In Text pane, modify "joe@example.com" to "my friend Joe" 7. <Apply> Expected: Goal has been reached Actual: as expected Related OOo issues might be (I can't tell as long as the problem is not clear): 75033 - Cannot insert text link into text edit 109969 - url in formular input line can not be travelled / edited by cursor 89455 - It is very unintuitive to edit hyperlinks with target within a document @Margarita Manterola: unfortunately your comments do not help, please follow my advice from Comment 1. Please do not tell us all that "Is a Linux bug" and "everybody knows" stuff, but a) repeat my steps 1-7 b) tell us any observation different to the ones from my list c) Your conclusions?
Hi, These are the exact steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Go to a cell 2) Type an email address: joe@example.com 3) Leave the cell --> It converts automatically without my asking it to convert to anything into an hyperlink. 4) Go to the cell --> Not possible by clicking, only by going with the keyboard, if you try to click, it opens the mail application. 5) Try to modify what you typed --> not possible unless you do what you described, which means: selecting the whole thing, then pressing a button not pressed before to open the hyperlink window and then modifying the info in that window TWICE. Step 5 means that it's *not* working as expected. The problem is that the auto-detecting of URLs might be acceptable when first typing the thing (nice for http://, quite annoying for mails), but then makes it way too cumbersome to edit the information typed when you need to correct it. It's actually faster to just re-type it, rather than correct it twice. This is particularly annoying when typing a list of emails, and then proof-reading it and trying to correct it. In any case, if you are going to make me edit the link twice, in Writer you at least have a context menu that says "Edit hyperlink", whereas in calc/impress you have to click on a button that you have no reason to know it's there, since you where NOT inserting a hyperlink. I've found and disabled the option to convert hyperlinks automatically, but I don't consider that to be a _solution_ because: 1) It considers emails and http:// URLs as the same thing, when they are not (from the user point of view, I understand that mailto: and http: are both URLs, of course). 2) It will be enabled for any new installation of LibreOffice. 3) The fact that you can disable a faulty behaviour is not a solution to the faulty behaviour itself. Possible solutions/expected behaviours: 1) Allow to directly edit the email in the text of the cell, modifying both instances of the text in the hyperlink. <-- BEST 2) Have a context menu that says "Edit e-mail" (that can be opened by right-clicking, without previously selecting the email) that allows to edit it, without having to correct it twice. <-- Acceptable 3) Have a context menu that says "Edit hyperlink", that opens the hyperlink window. <-- Not nice, but better than today.
The current intended behavior for applications except WRITER indeed is not intuitive and not user friendly, it't the same in Draw. Behavior should be "Writer-like" and allow to select (and modify URL) each single character.
Since all new unconfirmed bugs start in state UNCONFIRMED now and old unconfirmed bugs were moved to NEEDINFO with a explanatory comment, all bugs promoted above those bug states to NEW and later are automatically confirmed making the CONFIRMED whiteboard status redundant. Thus it will be removed.
In 3.5.0 still exist Today workaround for Calc: select cell with link using keyboard, then use Insert->Hyperlink and there edit text of link.
Created attachment 69628 [details] updating bug
Created attachment 69629 [details] insert -> hyperlink NEED update target AND name still exist in under Linux AND Windows unable to edit a url hyperlink stored in a cell via the "normal" cell update zone see file calc-urlbug.png 69628 updating bug you can see the cursor after the "123" in the update zone but the result show the update OUT of the hyperlink the insert hyperlink option is not really a workaround as you have to edit the target zone AND the text zone wich is not very friendly nor usefull see file calc-inserthyperlink.png and you have NO WAY to choose if you want that the string text containing the hyperlink should be treated as a hyperlink or as a simple text string Even if you format the cell as text is it forced to the bloody hyperlink format even if you begin the text string with a comment "'www.123.com" the text is forced to the bloody hyperlink format the only change with the comment "'" is that the insert -> hyperlink menu do not work i do not want to follow hyperlink (calc is not a firefox page handler... but only store mini data bases (name, city, tel, email, ...)
Current Behavior is inherited from OOo @domi <http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/BugReport_Details#Version> Please do not touch the dashboard!
From a quick reading it looks like this was confirmed - REOPENED is not the appropriate status. marking as NEW.
This should be fixed with the recent hyperlink improvements - please tests again with recent master build. If you encounter any issues, please file separate issues for each problem and CC me.