When creating multiple documents it would be nice if the file name would not just be the file name with an increasing number, but if you could also insert variables. Example: You want to create a letter to multiple people and you want the file name to be "<firstname>_<lastname>.odt" taken from the data source.
Not sure how exactly do you want to achieve that - can you write more? Either way, isn't Mail Merge what you want here?
Say I have a letter that I want to send to three people whose names are stored in a OO Calc document: Jon Doe Jane Doe Chuck Norris I create a Writer document and with Mail Merge insert the corresponding fields into it. When Mail Merge finally creates the output as multiple documents, it uses the filename I enter and then adds a number at the end, e.g. when I use "letter.odt", I get "letter_0.odt", "letter_1.odt", and so on. Now, I e.g. would like to have the name of the people instead of "letter", so I would use "<firstname>_<lastname>.odt" and then get "jon_doe.odt", "jane_doe.odt" and "chuck_norris.odt". (In case a name exists twice, OO could still append a number)
[This is an automated message.] This bug was filed before the changes to Bugzilla on 2011-10-16. Thus it started right out as NEW without ever being explicitly confirmed. The bug is changed to state NEEDINFO for this reason. To move this bug from NEEDINFO back to NEW please check if the bug still persists with the 3.5.0 beta1 or beta2 prereleases. Details on how to test the 3.5.0 beta1 can be found at: http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/QA/BugHunting_Session_3.5.0.-1 more detail on this bulk operation: http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/RFC-Operation-Spamzilla-tp3607474p3607474.html
This bug is an enhancement request, so I guess it´s ok to move it to NEW.
NEW, unassigned bug: replace "infoprovider" with move to state "NEEDINFO".
needinfo keyword redundant by needinfo status.
Guess that not yet implemented in 3.5.0. Change status to New.
Created attachment 179386 [details] Print dialog for Mail Merge I believe that it already allows that: if you push Pring in a MM document, the dialog allows you to create the filenames from a datasource field. If you need some combined name, you just configure your data source to have combined fields (e.g., using SQL to combine single fields together, or using formulas in spreadsheets when those are the data source).
Guess this has changed in the meantime of ten years. Thanks for pointing it out!
Created attachment 179404 [details] StarOffice Mail Merge (Form Letter) dialog (In reply to Larsen from comment #9) Heh, it was available already in StarOffice 5.2 from 2000.