This is a spin off from (or may be DUP of or related to) "Bug 36101 - HELP: Edit> Cut and the clipboard" where I had too many problems whether the reporter saw a problem with HELP or LibO behavior. Shift+Del is explained with "Deletes the selected item(s) without putting them in the recycle bin." I never heard something about a "recycle bin" for "del", I only know "undo" and "clipboard". I believe the correct explication would be: Shift+Del does the same as Cntrl+X: Puts marked contents to the clipboard and then deletes it. In Help for EditPad Lite I read: Shift+Delete: Alternative shortcut for Edit|Cut Edit|Cut: Deletes the current selection and places it on the Windows clipboard... I believe it's the same with LOCALHELP in the help packages. I did some test and saw that in WRITER and Spreadsheet <shift>+<del> DOES NOT WORK as in my proposed Help text, for this I will file a new report. EditPad, Seamonkey and some other WIN applications I tested work as expected
Currently I can not reproduce my statement "... DOES NOT WORK as in my proposed Help text ..." During my tests for Bug 36419 - EDITING: <Shift>+<Delete> does not work reliable as expected shortcut worked as expected.
I think these shourtcuts (Del, Shift+Del, and Backspace) refer to a file manager component. At least in Windows Explorer these shorcuts work just like as described in LibreOffice help. But LibreOffice does not have its own file manager. Maybe once upon a time StarOffice had one. So I removed these dubious entries from help.