Bug 38090 - Incorrect Viewing of Thai characters after certain characters
Summary: Incorrect Viewing of Thai characters after certain characters
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: graphics stack (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
3.4.1 release
Hardware: x86-64 (AMD64) All
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Whiteboard: target:4.1.0 target:
Keywords: regression
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-06-08 16:56 UTC by suradetj
Modified: 2012-12-22 05:22 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Crash report or crash signature:

Sample of bugs (13.35 KB, application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text)
2011-06-08 16:56 UTC, suradetj

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description suradetj 2011-06-08 16:56:33 UTC
Created attachment 47742 [details]
Sample of bugs

1. Type any Thai characters.
2. Insert the → character
3. LibreOffice rearrange the position of Thai characters.
4. Type any characters.  These characters will appear incorrectly on this line.
Comment 1 Rainer Bielefeld Retired 2011-06-10 02:58:05 UTC
RC2 is bit by bit identical with release version, so separate items in the version picker are useless. Changes have been discussed with Michael Meeks.
Comment 2 Björn Michaelsen 2011-12-23 12:26:59 UTC
[This is an automated message.]
This bug was filed before the changes to Bugzilla on 2011-10-16. Thus it
started right out as NEW without ever being explicitly confirmed. The bug is
changed to state NEEDINFO for this reason. To move this bug from NEEDINFO back
to NEW please check if the bug still persists with the 3.5.0 beta1 or beta2 prereleases.
Details on how to test the 3.5.0 beta1 can be found at:

more detail on this bulk operation: http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/RFC-Operation-Spamzilla-tp3607474p3607474.html
Comment 3 Florian Reisinger 2012-08-14 14:02:22 UTC
Dear bug submitter!

Due to the fact, that there are a lot of NEEDINFO bugs with no answer within the last six months, we close all of these bugs.

To keep this message short, more infos are available @ https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/QA/NeedinfoClosure#Statement

Thanks for understanding and hopefully updating your bug, so that everything is prepared for developers to fix your problem.


Comment 4 Florian Reisinger 2012-08-14 14:03:22 UTC
Dear bug submitter!

Due to the fact, that there are a lot of NEEDINFO bugs with no answer within the last six months, we close all of these bugs.

To keep this message short, more infos are available @ https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/QA/NeedinfoClosure#Statement

Thanks for understanding and hopefully updating your bug, so that everything is prepared for developers to fix your problem.


Comment 5 Florian Reisinger 2012-08-14 14:07:55 UTC
Dear bug submitter!

Due to the fact, that there are a lot of NEEDINFO bugs with no answer within the last six months, we close all of these bugs.

To keep this message short, more infos are available @ https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/QA/NeedinfoClosure#Statement

Thanks for understanding and hopefully updating your bug, so that everything is prepared for developers to fix your problem.


Comment 6 Florian Reisinger 2012-08-14 14:10:01 UTC
Dear bug submitter!

Due to the fact, that there are a lot of NEEDINFO bugs with no answer within the last six months, we close all of these bugs.

To keep this message short, more infos are available @ https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/QA/NeedinfoClosure#Statement

Thanks for understanding and hopefully updating your bug, so that everything is prepared for developers to fix your problem.


Comment 7 sasha.libreoffice 2012-09-12 12:36:38 UTC
Reproduced in 3.6.1 on Fedora 64 bit

Steps to reproduce:
0. Open attachment
1. Select arrow in text and press Ctrl-C
2. Place text cursor inside of Thai word and press Ctrl-V
Expected: arrow inserted and distance between lines of text will not change
Actually: arrow inserted and distance between lines *decreases* and this changing of distance is not undoable.

Not reproduced in 3.3.4, therefore Regression
Comment 8 Julien Nabet 2012-10-27 15:22:33 UTC
On pc Debian x86-64 with 3.6 sources updated today, I don't reproduce the problem (I followed comment7's Sasha). Perhaps I missed something.
Could anybody give a try to 3.6.2 (or prerelease 3.6.3)?
Comment 9 sasha.libreoffice 2012-10-29 06:21:29 UTC
reproduced in 3.5.7 (from Fedora repo) and 3.6.2 (rpm from libreoffice.org) on RFR 17 64 bit

but not reproduced in 3.6.2 on Windows XP 32 bit
Comment 10 Michael Stahl (allotropia) 2012-12-18 17:58:21 UTC
so... the problem that i can see here is that after loading the
attached document, any change to a line that includes Thai
characters causes the inter-line spacing above the line to shrink.

the Undo does not restore the document view to how it looked before.

it's not even necessary to edit the text; changing the zoom level
also causes the gaps to shrink (all at once).

this is happening here in any LO/OOo release from OOo 3.3 onwards,
did not happen in OOo 3.2.1.

so i'm guessing that the layout after the file is imported is
not complete (i.e. document is displayed wrongly right after import)
and any tweak causes it to reach a more stable state.
Comment 11 Michael Stahl (allotropia) 2012-12-19 20:15:40 UTC
so the mysterious VCL font cache will return a font with
maSearchName = "waree" and mnLineHeight 3592 for this one:

p *rFont.mpImplFont
$2 = {
  mnRefCount = 5, 
  maFamilyName = "TH SarabunPSK", 
  maStyleName = "", 
  maSize = Size = {
    width = 0,
    height = 360
  maColor = rgba(255, 255, 255, 255), 
  maFillColor = rgba(255, 255, 255, 255), 
  meCharSet = 76, 
  meLanguage = 1054, 
  meCJKLanguage = 2052, 
  meFamily = FAMILY_SWISS, 
  mePitch = PITCH_VARIABLE, 
  meAlign = ALIGN_BASELINE, 
  meWeight = WEIGHT_NORMAL, 
  meWidthType = WIDTH_DONTKNOW, 
  meItalic = ITALIC_NONE, 
  meUnderline = UNDERLINE_NONE, 
  meOverline = UNDERLINE_NONE, 
  meStrikeout = STRIKEOUT_NONE, 
  meRelief = RELIEF_NONE, 
  meEmphasisMark = 0, 
  mnOrientation = 0, 
  mnKerning = 1 '\001', 
  mbWordLine = 0 '\000', 
  mbOutline = 0 '\000', 
  mbConfigLookup = 0 '\000', 
  mbShadow = 0 '\000', 
  mbVertical = 0 '\000', 
  mbTransparent = 1 '\001'

but with the following parameter it returns maSearchName = "dejavusans" and mnLineHeight 2514:

p *rFont.mpImplFont
$5 = {
  mnRefCount = 5, 
  maFamilyName = "TH SarabunPSK", 
  maStyleName = "", 
  maSize = Size = {
    width = 0,
    height = 360
  maColor = rgba(255, 255, 255, 255), 
  maFillColor = rgba(255, 255, 255, 255), 
  meCharSet = 76, 
  meLanguage = 1033, 
  meCJKLanguage = 2052, 
  meFamily = FAMILY_SWISS, 
  mePitch = PITCH_VARIABLE, 
  meAlign = ALIGN_BASELINE, 
  meWeight = WEIGHT_NORMAL, 
  meWidthType = WIDTH_DONTKNOW, 
  meItalic = ITALIC_NONE, 
  meUnderline = UNDERLINE_NONE, 
  meOverline = UNDERLINE_NONE, 
  meStrikeout = STRIKEOUT_NONE, 
  meRelief = RELIEF_NONE, 
  meEmphasisMark = 0, 
  mnOrientation = 0, 
  mnKerning = 1 '\001', 
  mbWordLine = 0 '\000', 
  mbOutline = 0 '\000', 
  mbConfigLookup = 0 '\000', 
  mbShadow = 0 '\000', 
  mbVertical = 0 '\000', 
  mbTransparent = 1 '\001'

... where the only difference appears to be meLanguage?

the different mnLineHeight ultimately causes the different formatting...
Comment 12 Not Assigned 2012-12-22 01:08:21 UTC
Michael Stahl committed a patch related to this issue.
It has been pushed to "master":


fdo#38090: vcl: remove ImplFontCache::maFontNameList:

The patch should be included in the daily builds available at
http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/ in the next 24-48 hours. More
information about daily builds can be found at:
Affected users are encouraged to test the fix and report feedback.
Comment 13 Not Assigned 2012-12-22 01:14:37 UTC
Michael Stahl committed a patch related to this issue.
It has been pushed to "libreoffice-4-0":


fdo#38090: vcl: remove ImplFontCache::maFontNameList:

It will be available in LibreOffice 4.0.

The patch should be included in the daily builds available at
http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/ in the next 24-48 hours. More
information about daily builds can be found at:
Affected users are encouraged to test the fix and report feedback.
Comment 14 Michael Stahl (allotropia) 2012-12-22 01:24:22 UTC
since Caolan's on vacation i'll just call it FIXED...
Comment 15 sasha.libreoffice 2012-12-22 05:22:23 UTC
Thanks for fixing this bug