Make localisation stand-alone Background: Currently in order to create a translation of LibreOffice, it is necessary to compile the code with that translation in-place. The compilation process builds the strings directly into a number of binary (and XML) file formats, which are scattered through the source tree. This means, it is impossible to iteratively translate LibreOffice - quickly seeing, and verifying the results of your work. It also makes the complete build slower, and looses a prime opportunity for parallelisation: each language should be able to be built on a separate machine for a separate package. Fixing this requires reading a lot of code, and digging at the localisation tools in localise/ It also requires some work in tools/source/rc/resmgr.cxx and its coupling to rsc/ - the resource compiler (that compiles .src files). We should separate translations from dialog / resource files. Skills: building, C++
+1 for this task.
Deleted "Easyhack" from summary.
adding LibreOffice developer list as CC to unresolved EasyHacks for better visibility. see e.g. for details
Removing the EasyHack tag, since there is no response/taker since 2011. @Cloph/Andras: Id guess we could also close this one?
Migrating Whiteboard tags to Keywords: (difficultyInteresting, skillCpp) [NinjaEdit]