Bug 41765 - EDITING cannot open OLE object when the document is initially opened in read-only mode
Summary: EDITING cannot open OLE object when the document is initially opened in read-...
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Writer (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
3.3.2 release
Hardware: All All
: lowest enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
Depends on:
Blocks: OLE-Objects Read-Only
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Reported: 2011-10-13 15:03 UTC by Danilo Piazzalunga
Modified: 2024-12-06 09:28 UTC (History)
8 users (show)

See Also:
Crash report or crash signature:

Example document with OLE object as an icon, created with MS Office 2007 (38.00 KB, application/msword)
2011-10-13 15:03 UTC, Danilo Piazzalunga
Screencast showing the bug and the workaround (412.49 KB, image/gif)
2012-02-12 06:56 UTC, Danilo Piazzalunga

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Description Danilo Piazzalunga 2011-10-13 15:03:06 UTC
Created attachment 52309 [details]
Example document with OLE object as an icon, created with MS Office 2007

I have a MS Word document which contains an OLE object (for example, an Excel sheet or another Word document) attached as an icon. If I open the containing document in read-only mode, I cannot open the contained object.

* What is expected to happen in LibreOffice Writer:

Double primary click on the OLE object and it is opened as it does in MS Word.

* What happens instead:

One may not open the contained object.

Tested both with LibreOffice 3.3 on Ubuntu 11.04 and with LibreOffice 3.4.3 on Windows 7.

(Originally reported to: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/790354)
Comment 1 Björn Michaelsen 2011-12-23 12:36:58 UTC Comment hidden (obsolete)
Comment 2 Danilo Piazzalunga 2012-01-10 13:10:28 UTC
Confirmed: tested with LibreOffice 3.5.0 beta2 on Windows 7.
Comment 3 sasha.libreoffice 2012-02-04 06:30:49 UTC
not reproducible in 3.3.4 , therefore regression since 3.3.4
Comment 4 Cor Nouws 2012-02-06 01:43:09 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> not reproducible in 3.3.4 , therefore regression since 3.3.4

Maybe even a change by intention ?
Comment 5 Danilo Piazzalunga 2012-02-06 01:54:36 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> not reproducible in 3.3.4 , therefore regression since 3.3.4

I could reproduce it reliably.

Was the document opened in read-only mode?
Comment 6 Björn Michaelsen 2012-02-07 10:10:31 UTC
be aware that there has been a problematic (vendor) patch for OLE-editing in Ubuntu/Debian packaging, which had been remove since.

So please specify exactly which version you tested with (version _and_ if it was upstream or a vendor build).
Comment 7 Julien Nabet 2012-02-11 05:56:18 UTC
I didn't reprodce the problem with master (future 3.6) updated today and 3.5 branch updated 1 or 2 days ago (so not exactly 3.5.0 rc3).
In both cases, i can open the inner Document.

I'm on pc Debian x86-64.

Danilo: Do you still reproduce the problem with last version ?
Comment 8 Danilo Piazzalunga 2012-02-12 04:32:47 UTC
LibreOffice 3.3.4 (upstream build, on Windows) won't let me view the inner document when I double-click on it. However, I can right click on the OLE document, choose Edit and then edit a copy. Same thing for LibreOffice 3.5.0rc3 (upstream build, on Windows).

I didn't find the workaround (right click, Edit, edit a copy) before. Sorry.
Comment 9 Julien Nabet 2012-02-12 04:56:25 UTC
I tested on Seven with LO 3.4.4, it works.

Could you uninstall completely LO with cleaning registry (for example with ccleaner which is free) + delete (or backup) your profile then install again LO ?
Comment 10 Danilo Piazzalunga 2012-02-12 05:44:48 UTC
Does it work if you try to open the inner document with double primary click, or does it work when using the edit-a-copy workaround?
Comment 11 Julien Nabet 2012-02-12 05:50:50 UTC
It works directly with double primary click.
Comment 12 Danilo Piazzalunga 2012-02-12 06:11:30 UTC
That's weird. I tested it again on Ubuntu using an upstream build of LibreOffice 3.5.0rc3.

Anyway, since there is a workaround, I believe this bug can be closed or (if confirmed) converted to an enhancement.
Comment 13 Julien Nabet 2012-02-12 06:44:30 UTC
Just missed "read-only" option to check, sorry.
I reproduce it now.
Comment 14 Danilo Piazzalunga 2012-02-12 06:56:30 UTC
Created attachment 56917 [details]
Screencast showing the bug and the workaround

Here is a screencast showing the test steps. The "Container1.doc" file has read-only permissions (as shown by the locket icon in the folder).
Comment 15 Danilo Piazzalunga 2012-02-12 06:59:27 UTC
My guess is that double click invokes an "Edit" action on the OLE document; since "Edit" is not available (the main document is opened as read-only), no action is performed.
Comment 16 Rainer Bielefeld Retired 2012-10-31 18:10:33 UTC
No bug reproducible with "LibreOffice” German UI/ German Locale [Build-ID: 58f22d5]" on German WIN7 Home Premium (64bit) 

Steps how to reproduce with reporter's sample document (2011-10-13 15:03 UTC) :
1. Launch Libo
2. from LibO Start Center men 'File -> Open -> (Browse for Sample Document) -> 
   Check "Read only" -> <open>
   > Document will be opened as expected in read only mode
3. Double click embedded document (Text "Documento di ..."
   > You can't open the embedded document
4. Click 'Edit File' Icon in Standard Toolbar
   > "Read only" in Window heading disappears 
6. Double click embedded document (Text "Documento di ..."
   > Embedded document will be opened in a separate window

Tis is not a bug at all, but intended behavior. Read only means read only, and so no edit operation is allowed.
Comment 17 Danilo Piazzalunga 2012-10-31 23:37:52 UTC
I still think it's a bug, albeit a minor one: I expect the embedded document to be opened (for viewing, not necessairly for editing) when I double click it.
Comment 18 Chris Peñalver 2013-01-14 02:20:11 UTC
Danilo Piazzalunga, while Rainer Bielefeld is correct in this is not a bug, it is an ENHANCEMENT, as you are expecting Writer to do what Word does in the same situation.
Comment 19 Cor Nouws 2014-11-04 20:45:58 UTC
Open attachment
Click on Edit document in tool bar
Double click the OLE object
 > Nothing happens

As the original report
 > New