Perhaps this is not an error, but it should not be the default behavior. When an SVG picture is exported with the default PDF settings then the resulting PDF file converts the SVG to BITMAP or Raster graphics. The BITMAP PDF file size is 123KB (see "PDF_lossless.pdf"). When an SVG picture is exported with the A-1a PDF settings then the resulting PDF file maintains the SVG as scalable graphics. However, the A-1a PDF file size is 475KB (see "PDF_A-1a.pdf"); much too big for a "basic" scalable PDF file. Of course, a PDF file with A-1a information is useful when desired. Shouldn't the default behavior of an EXPORT to PDF maintain the scalable pictures and have a reduced file size? Of course, when desired the ability to EXPORT a PDF with scalable pictures to raster images is also useful, but we believe that it should not be the default behavior. As an example, we tested the desired functionality in the Master: LibO-dev 3.5.0 Build ID: 1af9425-947bf60-9c6ea62-e1a2fb3 On OSX 10.6.8 Located at: with master~2011-10-21_07.55.40_LibO-Dev_OOO350m1_MacOS_x86_install_en-US.dmg Steps to reproduce: 1. Use a Web browser or Graphic Editor to find and save an SVG picture. 2. Open a new WRITER Text Document 3. Select Insert -> Picture -> From File... (We inserted organick_Chemistry_set.svg) 4. Select File -> Export as PDF.... 5. Keep the default settings then click Export (see the "3 Export as PDF_lossless.png"). Expected results: SVG image will remain scalable within WRITER, DRAW, etc. Actual results: SVG image is NOT scalable. See attachment for sample documents and screenshots (including the scalable Export to PDF as A-1a and export warning). Also check the same "problems" with the "blue_folder_1067B.svg" file. Thank you.
THIS DUPLICATE BUG REPORT MAY BE DELETED! PLEASE SEE BUG #42092. This duplicate is a result from the following Bugzilla Error: Bugzilla has suffered an internal error. Please save this page and send it to with details of what you were doing at the time this message appeared. URL: There was an error sending mail from 'bugzilla-daemon' to '':error when closing pipe to /usr/lib/sendmail: Traceback: at Bugzilla/ line 186 Bugzilla::Mailer::MessageToMTA(...) called at Bugzilla/ line 591 Bugzilla::BugMail::sendMail(...) called at Bugzilla/ line 431 Bugzilla::BugMail::Send(...) called at /srv/ line 252
Accidently creeated clone of BUG 42092.
OOo#118455 - SVG image are exported as bitmap in pdf might be concerning the same problem.