Unzipping "master~2011-11-03_23.43.37_LibO-Dev_OOO350m1_Win_x86_install-arc_en-US.tar.gz" from a.m. URL using 7zG.exe caused a BitDefender virus alert concerning "Trojan.Heur.GM.000C040880" in sbase.exe, also smath.exe, sweb.exe, swirter.exe, ... (seems in all exe) False alert or real problem?
Created attachment 53171 [details] Screenshot Shows Alert during unzip. I am in contact with Bitdefender support.
False alert almost certainly. The chance of a mingw compile (cross-compiled from a clean known Linux system) creating a trojan is almost exactly nil. We get a steady stream of false reports from anti-virus vendors I'm afraid. => closing notourbug.