Created attachment 53708 [details] screenshot of help section (german) Steps to reproduce: 0. Install German Help package 1. <f1> 2. 'Find' - Search Term "openoffice" - <find> 3. click on 'Skripte zuweisen in LibreOffice`. 4. There you read 'Entwickler können zusätzlich Hochsprachen verwenden, z.B. die Java-Programmiersprache, um LibreOffice extern zu steuern. Siehe das API-Projekt auf' The text should refer to the LibreOffice API-project to be found here I guess it's the same in other languages, but I don't know how to test that. Platform (if different from the browser): Linux (Ubuntu 10.10), LibO3.4.4
Fixed in master (-> 3.5.0).