Created attachment 54600 [details] Upate the Chinese fonts list to fit the situation nowdays. Chinese (Traditional) language has two variants, zh-tw and zh-hk. The old VCL.xcu has some fonts which are not common on major platform (Windows, Linux and Mac) but used by StarSuite, and some outdated free fonts for Chinese (Traditional). It didn't support MacOS X yet, so I edit it to fit the situation today. Goals: 1. Remove fonts provided only by StarSuite: 方正明體, MSung Light TC, 方正黑体 2. Remove outdated free Chinese fonts which is not maintained anymore: AR PL Mingti2L Big5, 文鼎PL細上海宋Uni, AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni, 文鼎PL新宋, AR PL New Sung, 文鼎PL中楷Uni, AR PL ZenKai Uni 3. Add 文泉驛微米黑, 文泉驛等寬微米黑 and AR PL UMing TW or AR PL UMing HK which are almost all the default fonts for Chinese in Linux distributions to appropriate sections, and set them to the first priority to let fontconfig can pick it right away. 4. Add 黑體-繁 (Heiti TC), 儷黑 Pro (LiHei Pro), and 儷宋 Pro (LiSong Pro) which are the default Chinese font in MacOS 10.6 and before to the second priority. System will pick those fonts before the fonts come from Windows platform (eg. 微軟正黑體,新細明體 (PMingLiU),細明體 (MingLiU)) to fit Mac's look and feel. I would like it be release at testing builds as soon as possible to let Chinese (Traditional) users to test about this update.
committed as Can you send a mail like this one: to the developer mailing list stating that this is under the LGPLv3 and MPLv1.1 (and later versions of those) preferred licence combination we use, and add yourself to afterwards. This change is on the development version, so won't be in 3.5 ony 3.6 for the moment. If testing works out ok for you and you want it in 3.5 you can request it to be cherry-picked to 3.5 by a mail to the list stating that and mentioning the commit url above. (