Problem description: Right clicking a misspelled word crashes writer. Steps to reproduce: 1. Start a new document in writer . This bug does not occur if opening a previously saved document for some reason. 2. Type a simple phrase like "Testing a wrd". 3. Add a space after the misspelled word to make the red squiggly appear. 4. Right click the word and it will crash, telling you that it will be recovered upon next start up. Recovery works and if you save the document, then reopen and try, bug does not occur.For this reason, I can not include an example document. Current behavior: Right clicking a misspelled word crashes Writer if in a new document. Expected behavior: Right clicking a misspelled word opens up a list of potential correct words. This happens if document has been saved. Platform (if different from the browser): Windows 7 Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/17.0.963.12 Safari/535.11
Not reproducible with LibO 3.5.0 Beta2 [LOdev 3.5.0beta2 · Build ID: 8589e48-760cc4d-f39cf3d-1b2857e-60db978] (on WinXP 32b · UI:en-US) That seems to be a duplicate of 'Bug 43422 - Spell check: Crash "Runtime Error" with AutoSpellcheck'. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 43422 ***