Hi, I have to send out mailings to people half of which I want to contact via eMail merge, the other half wants to be contacted via standard printed mailing (coz they won't give me their email address or coz they don't want to worry checking their inboxes regularly - or they have no email address...). My receiver database contains both types of recipients (and I find it hard to maintain two different lists, as I get my lists via export from some other database tool). a) It would be very nice, if there would be an option on the "eMail documents" area in mail merge wizard, that if the receiver address is empty, the document gets printed out on paper. (Theoretically possible also for all documents that failed to send?!) b) Alternatively, it would be way more flexible, if one could set up a set of rules what to do with a mail merge document based on contents of fields. This would require of course a complete overhaul of the "send/print/save" module of mail merge wizard I believe such options would help many many people make their email merge workflows more easy - and adopting email merge only for those recipients who want it. Regards, Thomas
Thanks for bugreport with new idea IMHO in such situation we should use Request to database instead of table. > (Theoretically possible also for all documents that failed to send?!) In case of accidental disconnection all documents will be printed
Marking as NEW as it's a valid enhancement request which most definitely will help some users. I'm going to mark as Low priority as there are workarounds -- having two lists, one for email, one for physical addresses. Combining email and printing in one go would be a nice feature though :)
Adding self to CC if not already on