Kas Thomas has made a series of impressive arguments stating that a program of this magnitude (he explicitly calls out OpenOffice as an example) should start up quick enough to not need to show any sort of splash screen. But still, it'd take a bit of work in order to achieve this.
To be honest: In LibO 3.6, you could forget the splash screen (With todays master ~1 sec...)
Thanks for bugreport Developers working on it. Improving performance is also among tasks for GSoC 2012.
Please remove the splash screen. It cannot contribute to faster startup and feels like a relic. 3.5 is already fast enough to remove it IMO, but if 3.6 startup time is ~1 sec, there's no rationale for keeping it in that future version. In my opinion. :)
Bug not all users have so fast computers yet
Maybe it would be a good idea to think about automatically enabling/disabling the splash. There are probably enough users that are stuck on machines that take 10 or more seconds to start LibreOffice. However, the lots of others are far below this mark. Thus, maybe LibreOffice could time whether splash would just produce "flicker" or whether there is any value in showing it – it would time the first few starts and then decide whether to turn it on or leave it off. (Maybe that idea is too complicated and users will find this behaviour "buggy" (=unpredictable), though...
Hi, Speed of starting LibreOffice and opening documents is constantly watched, and people work on improvements. Any bugreport pointing to special bad situations or regressions, are welcome indeed! But sorry, this specific bug report is invalid, IMO. Cor
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