The sal/ module exports a file system abstraction: cf. sal/inc/osl/file.h and file.hxx It would be lovely to extend: solenv/gdb/libreoffice/ to add a class or two to print the FileStatus flags / masks prettily, and to show the internals of the oslFileHandle structure, which is really an opaque version of: oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_closeFile( oslFileHandle Handle ) { FileHandle_Impl* pImpl = static_cast<FileHandle_Impl*>(Handle); on Linux/unix where gdb is present anyway. It'd be nice to have the m_strFilePath there. I guess something like: class RtlReferencePrinter(object): would be what would be needed with a custom to_string method. Thanks ! :-)
I'd like to do this, assigning to myself. Hopefully I'll have some time to look at it during the weekend.
Yes! Just ask me if you have any problem :-)
Examples of what I got working: $2 = { eType: osl_File_Type_Directory, uAttributes: OthRead | GrpRead | GrpExe | OwnWrite | Executable | OwnRead | OwnExe | OthExe, aModifyTime: {Seconds = 1330278672, Nanosec = 0}, aAccessTime: {Seconds = 1328645422, Nanosec = 0}, ustrFileName: "core", ustrFileURL: "file:///home/catalin/libreoffice/core" } $4 = { eType: osl_File_Type_Regular, uAttributes: OthRead | GrpRead | OwnWrite | OwnRead, aModifyTime: {Seconds = 1329862192, Nanosec = 0}, aAccessTime: {Seconds = 1329861483, Nanosec = 0}, uFileSize: 8068, ustrFileName: "s1.ods", ustrFileURL: "file:///home/catalin/libreoffice/s1.ods" } $6 = { eType: osl_File_Type_Link, uAttributes: OthRead | OthWrite | GrpRead | GrpExe | OwnWrite | OwnRead | GrpWrite | OwnExe | OthExe, aModifyTime: {Seconds = 1330550106, Nanosec = 0}, aAccessTime: {Seconds = 1330550106, Nanosec = 0}, ustrFileName: "link.patch", ustrFileURL: "file:///home/catalin/libreoffice/link.patch", ustrLinkTargetURL: "file:///home/catalin/libreoffice/patches/0001-Fix-cppcheck-possible-null-dereference-in-ScMyCellIn.patch" } Only the valid attributes are printed, one per line, the valid mask isn't printed at all (should it be?). Comments? If the above is ok I'll post the patch tomorrow or early next week since I won't be available for the weekend.
Oooh - looks really nice ! :-) Thanks for that, look forward to reading the patch & David's review :-)
Just a few comments regarding the output: 1. I do not think we need to display ustrFileName at all (it is already visible in ustrFileURL, after all). 2. I would prefer the ustrFileURL and ustrLinkTargetURL fields to be at the top, just behind eType, because they are probably the most interesting ones. On general note: IMHO the goal of pretty printers is to get one an idea what a variable is about, not swamp one in details. So I would try to only display the most essential information (e.g., "file file:///foo/bar" or "link file:///a/b/c -> file:///d/e/f") Most people will not ever need the details, anyway, and these who will, probably already know how to get them. But YMMV.
(In reply to comment #5) > 1. I do not think we need to display ustrFileName at all (it is already visible > in ustrFileURL, after all). Agreed. > 2. I would prefer the ustrFileURL and ustrLinkTargetURL fields to be at the > top, just behind eType, because they are probably the most interesting ones. Makes sense. > On general note: IMHO the goal of pretty printers is to get one an idea what a > variable is about, not swamp one in details. So I would try to only display the > most essential information (e.g., "file file:///foo/bar" or "link file:///a/b/c > -> file:///d/e/f") So the options seem to be: 1. what the current patch does but without ustrFileName and with uStrFileURL moved after eType -> most complete but most verbose 2. show type + name + link target (for links) all on one line like David's example -> not very complete but very compact 3. keep formatting of 1 field per line but only show important fields (if valid): maybe type, fileURL, link target (for links) and size. Ditch creation/access/modify times, ditch permissions -> a mix between compactness and completeness David seems to prefer 2. I wrote the patch with option 1. because it I thought "the code requested those attributes by setting the input mask so they should be interesting, otherwise they shouldn't be requested". But now I see that the implementation can fill more fields than were requested. Michael, which one do you prefer? It's trivial to adapt the patch to do either one so we should pick what works best for you guys.
David is the expert here, so I think '2' is the right option - sorry for the confusion. Bear in mind that when the variable is a parameter it will be printed out inside the stack-trace, so - keeping it to a single line, reasonably compact string is prolly a good idea. Thanks !
Patch sent to mailing list
thanks for this nice work, it got merged => closing.
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