describes how to get a stacktrace for a crasher. If you can reproduce the crasher of an existing bug and it is missing a stacktrace, it is of great help to add the stacktrace to the bug. This EasyHack is to create a ready-to-go VirtualBox image, that would allow users on all platforms to quick and easy generate stacktraces.
Assigning to myself.
My questions: * Which LibO version we should pack? * Also, we are quite fast at the new version, so I'm not sure how frequently the VirtualBox owner/creator has to update it? or let the user update LibO by himself?
Deteted "Easyhack" from summary
Resetting Assignee since no changes for more than a year.
adding LibreOffice developer list as CC to unresolved EasyHacks for better visibility. see e.g. for details
I can create these images, if you can tell me which OS version and which Libre Office version you want to install?
(In reply to comment #6) > I can create these images, if you can tell me which OS version and which > Libre Office version you want to install? I think we would want to replicate the user's system as much as possible. So, the OS and LO version would depend on the bug report. For Linux, we could put to good use.
Migrating Whiteboard tags to Keywords: (easyHack, difficultyBeginner, topicQA)
JanI is default CC for Easy Hacks (Add Jan; remove LibreOffice Dev List from CC) [NinjaEdit]
Not my scope
My team has created a virtual box image (*.ova file) of Lubuntu 16.04 with LibreOffice installed and some shortcuts to run LO to get various logs, like described here: This should help with this bug: Now the question is: Where do we upload the *.ova file?
We discussed this on IRC and it was decided there is no need for this based on how we have done things over the years. Closing.