LibreOffice has a Litmus instance running at: it is actually very straightforward to use. It would be great to have a video shown that to get more people involved.
I am going to assign that to myself... Deleted "Easyhack" from summary. PS: Still needed or will there be a new system soon?
Link is dead. Is this still valid?
No,thus removing: EasyHack DifficultyBeginner TopicQA from Whiteboard But as we have a moztrap instance running at: and possibly could use a video for that too, assigning to Yifang. @Yifang: Please consider opening a new EasyHack for a moztrap video tutorial, if you are willing to mentor one and close this bug then.
Litmus is dead. If somebody needs a Moztrap video (as described in comment #3) we should open a new easy hack ticket