Calc's filters-test uses a set of test documents, imports them during the build and checks that they are imported correctly and that the results of formulas are calculated correctly. While they cover already several parts of calc they should be extended and the test cases improved. More information at: This task does not require any coding skills. Just some time and motivation to play with calc.
Deleted "Easyhack" from summary.
adding LibreOffice developer list as CC to unresolved EasyHacks for better visibility. see e.g. for details
Is there any specific area needs to be tested? I mean which tests are needed ... I saw some of the tests but don't know what is needed after them ?
Migrating Whiteboard tags to Keywords: (easyHack, difficultyBeginner, topicQA)
JanI is default CC for Easy Hacks (Add Jan; remove LibreOffice Dev List from CC) [NinjaEdit]
Not my scope
Submitted my daily reports.
Can you please help me get started with this bug
That one was fixed by raal.