I use MSVC 2008 Express on WinXP. This comes without ATL. Therefore I have got the needed files by installing "Windows Driver Kit Version 7.1.0". That gives a folder WinDDK, which contains in some subfolders the four files. But these are not found by configure, but it sets the paths which would be correct for a professional MSVC. I have tweaked the result file configure_host_mk to get my build. But that is not persistent. For example after a "pull" and "make build" configure overwrites it. My wish is, to get the possibility to tell configure the paths to this four files. Perhaps we can get a more generic parameter for configure, which reads a text file with the parameters and there values? But any working solution is appreciated.
@Björn: Is this a confirmed bug since you are assigned to it? If so can we mark as NEW instead of UNCONFIRMED. Thanks
This is an important thing to get done, unfortunately I didnt get to have a working windows env and currently dont see to get there in the near future. Thus unassigning myself and hoping ofr a volunteer to pick it up. And yes, confirming.