Problem description: Длинная формула перекрывает соседнию ячейку Steps to reproduce: 1. В ячейку А1 вводим формулу =D8+E8+F8+G8+C3+B4+B7+D7 2. Нажимаем ENTER 3. Редактируем А1 для того чтобы добавить в конец формулы ячейку B1 4. На ячейке B1 не получайтся нажать мышкой так как в ней отображается формула из А1 Current behavior: Expected behavior: Platform (if different from the browser): Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:11.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/11.0
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Pleaase write a new bug report in english. We can't solve bug reports in other languages.
The long formula blocks the next cell Steps to reproduce: 1. Into cell А1 we enter a formula =D8+E8+F8+G8+C3+B4+B7+D7 2. We press ENTER 3. We edit А1 to add in the formula end B1 cell 4. On a cell of B1 it is impossible to press a mouse as in it the formula is displayed from А1
1) observation confirmed in 3.5.2 2) several easy workarounds exist: if you see such behavior, you can: - enlarge colum width of col. A - enter the value manually - reformat cell to wrap automatically (Format > Cells > Alignment) So I'd not consider this a very urgent thing, but it's not nice, of course. Automatically switching to automatic wrap could be a possible solution.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 42496 ***