I'd like to import another OOo proposal: https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=45838 This was a propsal not for editing existing PDFs, but using PDFs as a graphical element for writer, draw, etc. to allow documents to be illustrated, or additional mark-ups to be applied on top. At the moment I do this in a two-step manner: I use gimp to read in a pdf and save as a (very large, high dpi) .png, then link to the .png as a graphical element. Doing it all in one step would be great. so would the ability to use one page of a multi-page PDF as a graphical element.
Marked as NEW (CONFIRMED) and set as MEDIUM ENHANCEMENT because I think that it is useful for a reasonable amount of people but might be hard to implement. We'll keep it on the list of to do's and hopefully get to it soon. Thanks for the suggestion
In version 4 I have been able to open multi-page PDFs in Draw, and lock the layer they are opened on, then annotate them on another layer. So that is a useful improvement in my work flow. But I would still like to be able to open them as a pure graphic, and in other parts of the package.
Fixed in LO 5.3.0 as https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=89727