Created attachment 59726 [details] Screenshot See attachment: Find info on 'autocomplete' crashes LibreOffice Writer 3.5.2. ;JOOP!
NOT reproducible with "LibreOffice English UI/Locale [Build-ID: 281b639-6baa1d3-ef66a77-d866f25-f36d45f] on German WIN7 Home Premium (64bit)
Reproduced on Home/Premium Windows 7 laptop with internet disconnected: no crash but "LibreOffice has stopped" Same version ( / GB) ;JOOP!
Even reproduced on XP laptop with Now I'm going to suspect JAVA: I run JAVA 7u3 everywhere ....... LibreOffice 'sees' JAVA 1.7.0_03 but the help says "it's defective". I verified all JAVA installations and they're fine. I presume is not entirely prepared for JAVA 7 ...... ;JOOP!
Could you try with a brand new LO profile ?
If found this file: javasettings_Windows_x86.xml in each account. It contains: <location>file:///C:/Program%20Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_30/jre</location> <version>1.6.0_30</version> I wonder why those lines were never updated when I updated LO (twice) AFTER I un-installed JAVA 1.6 and installed JAVA 1.7 I'd rather change those lines by hand than to throw away all my settings. OK? ;JOOP!
First thank you for your feedback. Make a backup of your LO profile and yes you can try. Keep us informed, it could be an interesting bug to solve.
I edited the file (on WindowsXP): c:\Documents and Settings\joop\Application Data\LibreOffice\3\user\config\javasettings_Windows_x86.xml replacing only those 2 directory names: 1.6.0_30 into jdk1.7.0_03 I tried the Help-Find and: see attached crash page. (I did not SEND to MS) ;JOOP!
Created attachment 60004 [details] pop-up Almost the same as before.
For the test, could you : - move the directory of your LO profile so you have a backup + it will force LO to recreate a brand new profile when you start it again - create a special backup of javasettings_Windows_x86.xml (javasettings_Windows_x86.xml.backup) - launch LO (it creates the new LO profile) and test if it's ok - if it's ok, replace javasettings_Windows_x86.xml of your backup profile with the javasettings_Windows_x86.xml of the brand new LO profile then remove the brand new LO profile and move back your backup LO profile to its original location (hope it's clear :-) )
It was clear, BUT ...................... I moved the whole directory tree c:\Documents and Settings\joop\Application Data\LibreOffice to a safe place, then re-run LO Writer. - lost all settings and customisations as expected, - did create a brand new tree, - did NOT create a new "javasettings_Windows_x86.xml" Moreover: when I hit F1 or Help, there's no help any more but my browser is run with: So, ................. ???? ;JOOP!
Try to uninstall the jre you don't use and try again with a brand new LO profile. You should come sometimes on irc #libreoffice channel (try to use Joop as nickname), mine is julien2412
Sorry to disappoint you but: - I un-installed that unused JRE from the start, - I'm too old for other social media than this. ;JOOP!
this seems to be related to (and possibly a dupe of):
Since the bug Björn mentions has been resolved by now, Joop, could you please try reproducing this problem with LO 4?
Because of several early version 4 bugs I delayed upgrading and remained in 3.8 for some time. You triggered me into upgrading on all our systems (3): 1) WindowsXP, JAVA 7u17 (only), LibO GB :: OK more to come. ;JOOP!
2) Mountain Lion 10.8.3 on MacBook Pro Retina, JAVA 1.6.0_43 (APPLE), LibO GB :: OK Failed to tell LibO to run from the also installed JAVA 7u17: it refuses to accept the path to that JRE (while ECLIPSE does!); then again, for the time being it might be better, the GUI and fonts are displayed sharply, so may be this is Retina supported (?!?). more to come. ;JOOP!
And finally: 3) Windows7, JAVA 7u17 (64 bits and 32 bits JRE), LibO GB :: OK Will I uninstall the 32 bits JRE to force all on the 64 bits JRE? ;JOOP!
Joop: since LO is 32 bits only for Windows, I would say you should only keep 32bits Java but it's just a guess.
As I develop in JAVA7 with 64 bits as a target I'll keep everything as it is now. OK, solved? ;JOOP!
If everything works for you, you can put it SOLVED. I didn't think that Java 64 would work with LO 32 but I'm not at all an expert and if you say it's ok... :-)
To be honest, it seems like ages that I knew what exactly was going on in 'my' computer(s). Nowadays I'm satisfied if it does the job. Thanks for all attention. ;JOOP!
Since, there's no specific fix, I put WFM.