Downstream bug may be found at: 1) lsb_release -rd Description: Ubuntu precise (development branch) Release: 12.04 2) apt-cache policy libreoffice-writer libreoffice-writer: Installed: 1:3.5.2-2ubuntu1 Candidate: 1:3.5.2-2ubuntu1 Version table: *** 1:3.5.2-2ubuntu1 0 500 precise/main i386 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 3) What is expected to happen in LibreOffice Calc via the Terminal: cd ~/Desktop && wget && localc -nologo testing.ods click sheet graph -> double click the graph -> secondary click the graph -> click Chart type -> button Properties... -> radio button B-Spline -> button OK -> button OK and is it does not crash. 4) What happens instead is it crashes consistently.
Should be fixed in 3.5.2. It is a duplicate of another bug but I no longer remember the bug number.
Markus Mohrhard, I'm a little confused as this is reproducible in 3.5.2. Do you have a commit that was/is supposed to address this exact issue?
Fix did not make it into 3.5.2 and will be in 3.5.3. Sorry mixed this with another fix.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 47632 ***