Bug 48782 - Allow easily creating a new document through command line
Summary: Allow easily creating a new document through command line
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 40227
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: LibreOffice (show other bugs)
(earliest affected)
Hardware: All All
: lowest enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
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Reported: 2012-04-16 13:03 UTC by Nadav Har'El
Modified: 2014-11-27 22:54 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Nadav Har'El 2012-04-16 13:03:09 UTC
The Unix tradition is that editors (e.g., "vi", "ed"), when given a non-existent filename, warn you that this is a new file, but then let you edit this new file, and when you next save, you save it with the name you gave in the command line.

Unfortunately, LibreOffice doesn't follow this tradition. If I run "libreoffice newfile.odt", or even "libreoffice --writer newfile.odt", All I get is an error message. A word processing window is *not* opened. Instead I need to use "libreoffice" or "libreoffice --writer" without a filename parameter, and then go and "save as" with the intended filename.

Why is the current situation bad? Because it makes a very common task very tedious for shell (command-line) users. A person (like me) who likes to work in a shell, I typically "cd" to some directory, and then decides to edit a file in it. But I can't "libreoffice newfile.odt", and if I do "libreoffice" without a file name, and then intend to immediate "Save As" the empty document, I discover that the default save directory *isn't* the directory I started in (possibly because a new libreoffice window often belongs to an existing process?), and it's tedious to use the menus to find this directory again.

So what I'd like is one of two solutions, with #1 prefered but #2 is probably easier to implement:

Option #1: "libreoffice --writer newfile.odt" should open an empty document (just like libreoffice --writer without the file name), but the next time I "Save", it should save it in newfile.odt in the proper directory (the current directory that the above command was run in).
If you think this breaks backward compatibility, I'd even settle for a new option, e.g., "libreoffice --writer -c newfile.odt" (-c for "create").

Option #2: "libreoffice --writer" should open a new window and remember the current directory, which will be used as the default directory to start in, for the next file operation (such as "Save As").
Comment 1 Joel Madero 2012-06-30 23:57:56 UTC
I agree that this would be useful and currently is not supported. Marked as NEW, LOWEST priority ENHANCEMENT. I don't think too many people will benefit from this but it would be useful if one of the devs can get it done. Thanks for the suggestion
Comment 2 Maxim Monastirsky 2014-11-27 22:54:35 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 40227 ***