Symptoms: 1. New about box is rendered incorrectly. In cui/source/dialogs/about.cxx vcl::RenderGraphicRasterizer aRasterizerBackground = Application::LoadBrandSVG("shell/about"); returns dimension of (0,0) under Windows 2000. Later we calculate width/height, and use that NaN for further calculations. 2. Insert - Picture - From file, choose any svg file. A message box appears: Graphics filter not found.
I wonder whether that's related to bug 50975. (Segfault on CentOS in the about dialog and when trying to include a .svg image.)
I believe we don't have an SVG background there anymore in 3.6 - is there still an issue with the about box ? (going to re-introduce this soon though I guess).
LibreOffice logo is still in svg. The symptom is a bit different now, it used to be a small (2x2 pixel) window, now it has normal width but the height is 0. Only window title bar is visible.
But - interestingly it works just fine under Windows XP (at least for me) - very strange. I guess we'd need a debugger hooked up / some exception catching / stracing goodness there.
I've fixed the NaN recently (added a bit of error handling) to survive the case when the svg cannot be loaded; in that case, we present an About dialog without any graphics. Why the SVG loading fails in some cases, that's still to be debugged.
Windows 2000 is not supported any more.