Writer and Calc have a full-screen mode that can be activated by pressing Ctrl+Shift+J or selecting View > Full-screen from the menu. Draw, however, does not have this functionality. Considering the visual nature of drawing, I would like to be able to maximize the viewing area.
Set to enhancement.
Has this feature yet been implemented, or is it still missing?
Seems to still be missing in I would love to see it also.
Please implement the fullscreen feature for Draw.
Writer and Calc stay in edit mode after switching to full screen. Impress however has the presentation mode. Since Draw is closely related to Impress we should implement the Slide Show first. If you want to edit drawings in full screen mode this would be another feature, missing also in Impress.
No further UX replies so I remove the keyword. Please implement Slide Show (like F5 in Impress) (needed for presentation for mockups) and the full screen editing mode (like Shift+Ctrl+J in LibreOffice Writer or F11 in Mozilla Firefox).
Still missing this basic feature in
Please add keyword 'needsUXEval' and CC 'libreoffice-ux-advise@lists.freedesktop.org' if input from UX is needed.
as there are some trouble with full-screen-mode and edit, I suggest to have an do not disturbe mode like in BUG 88931 written.
I disagree with "do not disturb" layouts/modes/interactions. The full-screen mode aims for exactly the same and is implemented for Writer. Adding it to Draw makes sense for sake for consistency.
Folks, what needs to be done for some to pick this up? It surely cannot be that hard. All that (seems to be) needed is a function to expand the viewport, nothing fancy needed. As a heavy Draw user I explicitly do NOT need anything fancy. Just a "simple toggle" to have the Draw window go full screen. No UI changes are required. Sure things can be improved later on if somene has time, but a simple "expand the viewport and set window on top "would address 90%+ use cases of people who need/want this. Draw is one of the gems of SO/OO/LO as for many worflows it is far better than anything else on the market, including commercial products. Yet it seems to be treated almost like an unwanted child instead of being actively promoted.
In the same way that it was expressed before and having this ticket 10 years old. LibreDraw is a key FOSS app for diagramming but not only that due the app purpose, the "fullscreen" feature is a "must to have". It is requested as an enhancement but being already implemented on LibreOffice suite maybe it can be considered as a bug.