Scenario 1: User wishes to re-order columns. ABC should become ACB. User cuts Column B and attempts to paste after Column C. Result 1: Columns A, (blank) B, C, D. Column D has content from former column B. Desired result 1: Columns A, B, C. Column C has content from former column B. Column B has content from former column C. Scenario 2: User wishes to re-order columns. ABCD should become ACDB. User cuts Column C and D, and attempts to insert-paste between column A and B, by selecting column B and right-clicking to find option to insert-paster rather than overwrite-paste. Result 2: Calc offers no option to insert-paste. User must first insert sufficient blank columns before cut and paste... Desired Result 2: Calc should offer an option to paste and insert cut or copied columns. Ditto for rows.
I'm confident this is a duplicate of: bug #39936 Marking as such. @Rusty - there is a hefty discussion on that bug, with a workaround (and I believe a keyboard shortcut method to do what you are trying to do) *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 39936 ***