Keyboard shortcut for Insert > Picture doesn't work. Based on the underlined characters, it should be Alt-I-U, but that sequence does nothing. (Alt-I-U works correctly in Writer; it brings up Function List in Calc, which I will report separately.)
Thanks for bug report! I can confirm this. 0. Open Impress 1. If you press Alt-I, you get "~Insert" menu appearing. 2. Press U, you get "D~uplicate Slide". Pressing U again gives "Pict~ure". The ~ means next character is underlined, and is access key (or accelerator). But, I'm not sure if we have any guidelines about this? Astron, any idea here? Thanks :)
Can reproduce with 3.5.4. Korrawit, as far as I understand it, the letters normally underline themselves in such a way that no letter is underlined twice on the same hierarchy level (if you have more than 26 menu entries things might get duplicated, but it shouldn't happen before that). However, you can manually futz with that by adding a ~ before the letter that is supposed to be underlined. If all that is the case, we could probably just stop manually futzing with which letters are underlined. If I misunderstood the system, then C and R should both still be free, we could use them.
Thanks Astron, but who would we ask about the system? :)
My concept of how it would work in comment 3 wasn't so bad... removing the ~ from the string lets the build finish just fine, but the problem arising then is that in Calc, we don't get any underline. Concluding, I am not sure, if we can really do anything here. For reference, the string lies in these two files: officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI/GenericCommands.xcu and officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI/WriterCommands.xcu
When removing the ~ in Duplicate Slide moves the short-cut of that function to Alt+S. I think that is the better option as that preserves the consistency between applications for the Insert Picture menu-option. This change needs to be made at officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI/DrawImpressCommands.xcu:432
send a patch to gerrit
As I understand the 2012-12-02 comment from Rob Snelders, the proposal was to change the keyboard shortcut for Insert Duplicate Slide in Impress to Alt-I-S, so that Alt-I-U would mean Insert Picture. That has NOT been done in Alt-I-U means Insert Duplicate, Alt-I-U-U means Insert Picture, and Alt-I-S does nothing. So I don't agree that this bug is Resolved Fixed.
David, this will not be fixed in Libreoffice 4.1.0, coming out soon. For reference, this is the commit that went in:
Sorry, I didn't mean "will not be fixed", I meant "will be fixed".