Bug 57692 - SLIDESHOW: Calc charts pasted as Star Object into Impress loose there gradient filling in columns
Summary: SLIDESHOW: Calc charts pasted as Star Object into Impress loose there gradien...
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Impress (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) release
Hardware: Other Windows (All)
: medium normal
Assignee: Not Assigned
Whiteboard: BSA
Keywords: regression
Depends on:
Reported: 2012-11-29 15:32 UTC by bugquestcontri
Modified: 2013-06-15 13:32 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Crash report or crash signature:

zip file contains the original Calc file as well as the Impress file (39.07 KB, application/x-zip-compressed)
2012-11-29 15:32 UTC, bugquestcontri

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Description bugquestcontri 2012-11-29 15:32:00 UTC
Created attachment 70797 [details]
zip file contains the original Calc file as well as the Impress file

Problem description: 
A column chart created in Calc with gradient column fillings changes the filling to full color when pasted as Star Object into Impress and looked at in slide show. In Normal the gradient filling is displayed.

Note: pasting the same chart as GDI Metafile displays the gradient fillings of the chart column as gradients in Normal and slide show.

Note: That the GDI metafile displays the gradients also in slide show was observed while working on the presentation. However, after working for a while on this particular presentation, the GDi Metafile pasted charts changed also from gradient in Normal to full color in slide show.

Steps to reproduce:

Calc chart:
opened new ods-file
entered data
selected data range, created chart, first with default colors of Calc.
clicked on data series
right clicked on selected data series and selected Format Data Series
Selected Area Fill Gradient ,selected yellow-white gradient created once before using white and yellow 
checked Transparencys setting = No Transparency
Clicked OK
Repeated this 3 time for each stacked column element
saved file  as ods.

Impress slides
Opened new Impress file
Used default template of LibO
Created  2 slide with Title Only layout
Selected Chart in Calc and used ctrl+ key
Clicked once into the slide
Pasted chart from Calc using ctrl+shift+V key and selected first Star Object format and in next slide GDI meta file format
Switched from Normal to Slide Show using F5
Star Object slide displayes color (not the gradient visible in Normal)
GDI Metafile slide displayes gradient as visible in Normal
When I created bug 56766 I observed that even the GDI Metafile started changing from gradient to full color when going from Normal to Slide Show. What I did not understand is why this bug did not show up for quite a while during which I worked on that presentation and switch frequently back and forth between Normal, Slide Show and, Outline and Notes. I would have been happy if the GDI Metafile worked.
Saved file in odp-format.

This bug is linked to Bug 56766 

Current behavior:

Star Object pasted chart changes column filling from gradient in Normal to full color in slide show.

Expected behavior:

 Star Object pasted chart changes column filling does not change from gradient in Normal to full color in slide show.

XP pro / SP3

Operating System: Windows XP
Last worked in: release
Comment 1 ign_christian 2013-06-15 09:42:47 UTC
Your steps are too complicated for me to follow, so I just ran your attached odp :-)

> Expected behavior:
>  Star Object pasted chart changes column filling does not change from
> gradient in Normal to full color in slide show.

Confirm same behavior as expected while running Slide Show. I think that transparency/gradient problem on Slide Show has been fixed in another bug.

So this should be marked WORKSFORME as you also confirmed that related bug (Bug 56766) worked for you.

LO (Win7 32bit)
Comment 2 bugquestcontri 2013-06-15 13:32:46 UTC
Thanks. - Should the problem pop up again in 4.0.3 or 4.04. I open a new report.