Currently it is difficult to find and replace hidden properties like, for example, hyperlinks. This week I had the task to find the few Hyperlinks in a Document (what contains hundreds of hyperlins) leading to Paths on a drive "G:", because in future all the documents will be on drive "U:". In other cases there might be some reorganization of a website or whatever, from time to time I have to modify stings in Hyperlinks, and for mass changes the only way is to do modifications in the guts (content.xml), what is risky and not unreasonable for normal users. An other example: You use picture picture descriptions for Source and License. If you want to relace all "GFDL" by "CC-BY-SA" that will be a pain. For such needs we should enhance capabilities of 'Find / Replace'
Legitimate issue, so ok for me. Perhaps we should create one bug by properties type.
I have just spent a week manually editing my hyperlinks in a LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet. I had to do this because there was no way that I could find and replace the directory links. This strikes me as rather dumb that a program will allow you to enter and use links but can not aid you when it comes time to make multiple edits to your work.