In a database with tables stored separately in accordance with advice at it is impossible to design a table with an Integer/AutoValue field using the Table Wizard or Design View. Editing table field parameters in such split databases is a known problem but there are workarounds involving complex copying and pasting as described at but this method does not allow an Integer field to be set to AutoValue. The problem of editing table field properties is a significaant issue for many users and I would like this to be looked at but the inability to set up an AutoValue field is much more serious. It is a basic requirement to be able to set up an Integer/AutoValue field as a Master Key field in a table so this is a serious defficiency and I hope it can be addressed as soon as possible.
It's an old problem since the beginning of LO. I have reported this at The SQL-Code, which is produced by LO, is wrong, when you set the right code to Edit → Database → Advanced Settings → Generated Values The auto-increment statement must be GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 0) but LO will produce "NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 0)" and fails. You could only add a automatic generated field by changing the table you have created without increment value: Tools → SQL: ALTER TABLE "table" ALTER COLUMN "ID" INT GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY(START WITH 0) I set this report as duplicate of the elder report. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 45947 ***