Please add picture styles to LibreOffice. Since 2007, MS Office contains a very handy feature which is called picture styles. In any application, several styles are available to quickly format raster images in a nice way. Available styles are: Styles: Simple Frame White, Beveled Matte, Metal, Drop Shadow, Reflected Rounded, Soft Edge, Double Frame, Thick Matte, Simple Frame Black, Beveled Oval, Compound Frame, Moderate Frame, Center Shadow, Rounded Diagonal Corner, Snip Diagonal Corner, Rotated, Perspective, Relaxed Perspective, Soft Edge Oval, Reflected Bevel, and Metal Oval. (see e.g. Please add some similar feature to LibreOffice.
I can 'confirm' this would be a nice feature in LO. Did a search for 'duplicate', can't find any so far. So marking this enhancement as NEW.
*** Bug 156363 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***