I get xls files quite often which contain many (>100) columns. Therefore my MS office user colleague splits the window: she can see the column A on the left side of the vertical splitter bar and just after there is column U, V, W, etc. She can scroll the columns B, C, ... in the right pane independently from the left part. Unfortunately, if I open such a file in LibreOffice then the split information is not preserved so I have to adjust it manually. Moreover, if I save the file again from LO then the split information is forgotten again. It seems that LO can not read the splitting information from an XLS file, although it can from an ODS file. It should read it from the XLS as well.
Do you maybe also have a sample file to attach it to reproduce this?
Cannot reproduce it with XLS format. Although there is a bug when changes in split are not saved except manually.
Well, I tried it again with my present version ( and it worked fine. Unfortunately I do not remember the old version number so I think the bug has been fixed since that time. Thank You.
marked as resolved