Currently you can only advance a whole slide at the time. This is useless when bullets appear successively. A solution could be to interpret a swipe on the notes pane (instead of swiping the slide thumbnails) to activate the next animation, just like the spacebar does on the computer.
It is actually possible to advance by animation using volume buttons. Still, I think it should be possible also using the screen (touch current slide to advance or similar).
Ah, yes indeed. The volume buttons work great. It's not very discoverable though. So perhaps an in-app short help or something similar would be helpful.
*** Bug 64485 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Michael: not sure, is it one for you or since it's Android, it should be Tor?
No need to assign it to anyone; it's a minor enhancement bug :-) I'll poke our GSOC student about this.
As for Remote 2.0.0 available on Google Play it is possible to trigger animations and other transactions using volume keys. This possibility is described at settings. Single tap on slide changes animations as well. Can we consider this bug as fixed then? Michael? Anyone?
Sure - sounds great to me - closing. Thanks for all your work cleaning up bugzilla here Artur ! =)
Moving bug to (new) 'Impress Remote' product.