The Start Center constructs the Recent Documents menu in BackingWindow::prepareRecentFileMenu(): But this is effectively duplicating code (AKA copy'n'paste) from elsewhere, which causes that it lacks the nice 'Clear List' feature. It would be much better to re-use the code, like in SfxRecentFilesToolBoxControl::CreatePopupWindow(): To do this, you want to change the ActivateHdl link: to do the same thing as SfxRecentFilesToolBoxControl::CreatePopupWindow(), and remove all unnecessary pieces like prepareRecentFileMenu, maRecentFiles, etc. etc. Should be straightforward, but in case you have problems, please ask :-)
I'm about to spend the following 2 weeks on this.
This has been sorted out by in the meantime
Migrating Whiteboard tags to Keywords: (EasyHack DifficultyInteresting SkillCpp) [NinjaEdit]