Problem description: Currently when using the record changes setting "by Author", the first author appears in a brownish color. This color is getting difficult to read if there are some changes made. Enhancement request: Enable a selection of different colors for each author without loosing the differentiation between authors. Operating System: All Version: release
Valid enhancement request! Therefore marking it as such. Kind regards, Joren
I also support this request
(In reply to comment #2) > I also support this request @Steve: the version of a bug is the oldest version of LibreOffice you can reproduce that behavior. So, in this case it's an enhancement request, we can set it to unspecified because it isn't implemented at all. Kind regards, Joren
Any news about this issue? This change would be welcome. It’s disappointing not to be able to change what looks like a simple thing from a user’s perspective.
Still hoping for news on this. It needs fixing by allowing a user to select their own edit colour or by at least changing the default colours so that the first few are all properly visible and differentiated colours in use, not light and not too similar. Removing the yellow/brown initial default colour would be a great start ... and simple given that more involved changes are obviously difficult given the years of no change on this bug.
Echo previous two comments... it's truly undermining the usefulness of this feature when different colours are used each time. In addition to some of the colours used (e.g. light brown) being quite hard on the eyes, much much more important is that it is natural to the human brain to have consistency: Ms A's stuff is using dark blue for her changes; Mr B is using dark red; Dr C is using dark green...
I completely agree with ''. This feature would be a major enhancement for all people collaborating and writing documents together. Just to repeat with different word what 'mrodent' said: It would be nice to have a menu to change the tracking colour for the first, second, third ... author myself. Maybe one could handle colours for specific authors (identified by name and than in the changes even have the same colour in all edited documents).
I add my support for this enhancement request.
I support this request, it would be great
Any hope this 4 years old request to see the light of day? It would make our lives more colorful, ehm, easier.
I would like to add my endorsement for this change. The colors selected for tracking changes are hard to view. To work around this issue, I was forced to load a multi-page document into a table and use one column to identify changes which were sometimes a single character used to correct a misspelling and a third column to identify author.
Sorry for the comment: This item has been fixed: Go to Tools-Options-Writer-Changes and you may select from the color palate for each type of change.
Closing the bug as RESOLVED WORKSFORME according to comment 12. If someone knows the patch that fixed this issue, please comment and change the status to RESOLVED FIXED. If this bug isn't fixed completely, please reopen with status NEW.
Request was not fixed at all - the title specifically says that the fix should keep differentiation between authors awailable. The fix mentioned in comment #12 doesn't provide that (applying it would cause all authors' changes to have the same colour). We need this a lot, the default colours are also hard to read by colorblind people or users of flux/redshift apps (these filter blue light during evening/night time to reduce eye strain).
I completely agree with this post. We use record changes a lot at work, and this is definitely making things difficult for people to switch from MSWORD. With LO WRITER you can change the color, but then it's the same color for all "Authors". You can choose that each "Author" gets a different color, but the default colors are bad. Some are difficult to read on the screen, and some others are difficult to read on printed material, which is really frustrating. Is there a way to make this happen faster ? give money for someone to fix this ?
Can we just change the default (first author) color to a *readable* color? The yellow/gold color is horrible, as many people have said here and elsewhere. Just change it to something darker and think about a proper fix later... (I suspect that the fix we really want might break MS Word compatibility. But just making the current algorithm use readable colors should be relatively easy?)
6 and a half years after this enhancement was first requested, and no action. How difficult can it be? At the very least, please just exclude very light colours, which are hard to read at the best of times, and guaranteed to produce eye-strain in many environments where people will be using LO Writer. ... I'm half tempted to examine the source code myself ... but I have no idea how to recompile or whatever. What's LO written in? C++ or something? What we need as the first default colours for the different authors is a rich, deep blue, a rich, deep green, a rich, deep purple, etc... NOT "YELLOW-GOLD". Even better, of course, would be if the colours could be specifically chosen. When feature requests are being considered by the development team, surely there should be judgement balancing up the difficulty of implementing a proposed enhancement against the difficulty, irksomeness or, in this case, also potentially detrimental effect on health (eye-strain due to horrible "yellow-gold") which users have to tolerate. Please just tweak the default colours at least!!!
OH! Just upgraded to LO version 6.3.4... and it appears as though the vile "yellow-gold" has in fact ... GONE! When I start a new doc and settings are for "by Author", the first colour appears to be a light green (not ideal but tolerable), then (i.e. after a change of Tools --> Options --> LibreOffice --> User data --> User name --> First/last name/initials) a blue, then a violet. But no mention of this here in this "enhancement request" strand, which is interesting. Can still be improved, but at least the "eye-strain" yellow-gold is gone.
Ooops, spoke too soon (and you can't delete comments here). The problem is NOT solved (even partially) in LO 6.3.4. It's just that *sometimes* the sequence of colours appears to start with a colour other than "yellow-gold". It's not clear how this "By Author" colour sequence is determined when you start a new document. My experiments seem to indicate that the User's "first/second name/initials" may be being used as a variable to seed some random selector. I'd have to look at the source ...
Could you finally do something about it? Common, it can't be so hard to do it. Either change default colors to something more visible like blue or better give people freedom to apply any color they want. Please _/|\_
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 32700 ***
I also support this request. I want to choose the color for MY changes. I'm sure that it is possible.