basic variable = sheets.getbyname(..) After inserting a new sheet with sheets.copybyname before this sheet , the basic variable points to the wrong sheet, here sheetpositon -1. You get the same effect after removing a sheet, the variable points then to sheetpositon+1. The problem is new in this LO version. A retest in LO 4.0 is OK. Here a code example : REM ***** BASIC ***** global otabledoc as variant Sub Main oTableDoc=ThisComponent oSheets = oTableDoc.sheets if osheets.hasbyname("Tabellenew") then osheets.removebyname("Tabellenew") endif Sheet1 = oSheets.GetbyName("Tabelle1") oSheets = oTableDoc.sheets 'msgbox osheets.dbg_methods osheets.copybyname(,"Tabellenew",0) 'because 3.Parameter = 0 --> insert the new sheet before the sheet1 Tabelle1 'if you insert the new sheet after the old sheet, everything is ok. Sheet1.getCellByPosition(0,0) 'write to the sheet Tabellenew, not to the sheet Tabelle1 End Sub This is a duplicate bug-report to Because I didn't kown the best way to submit a bug. Operating System: Windows 7 Version: release
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 70079 ***