Problem description: The text edit area "Not in dictionary" is not exposed to Accessibility tools. I checked the issue on Mac and Windows (both JAB and IA2). I'm confident that I've seen it with Ubuntu and Orca as well. Steps to reproduce: 1. Open a screen reader 2. Open Writer and enter a misspelled word 3. Press F7 to open the Spelling and Grammar dialog 4. Place the cursor in the text edit area below the label "Not in dictionary" 5. Move the cursor back and forth Current behavior: The screen reader does not announce any of the contents in the text area. Expected behavior: Well at least the misspelled word needs to be announced. As a comparison MsWord uses the same design on it's spelling dialog. There the cursor is placed behind the misspelled word when the dialog opens and the screen reader reads the misspelled word and then spells it out letter by letter. Checking LibreOffice 4.0.6 with Java Monkey shows that the text area is reported as a panel. Accessibility Inspector on Mac reports the role AXGroup and gives the warning message "Parent does not report element as one of its children". Operating System: All Version: Inherited From OOo
The issue reported seems to have been fixed since LibreOffice now expose the text in the text area "Not in dictionary". I close it as Resolved - Works for me.