Created attachment 92917 [details] This is the original document which contains <w:numPr> tag. After RT, for "<w:pStyle w:val="NumberedList1" />" ‒<w:numPr> is not getting preserved in document.xml
Created attachment 92918 [details] File after RT
Looks like this is fixed. Before: <w:pPr> <w:pStyle w:val="NumberedList1"/> <w:numPr> <w:ilvl w:val="0"/> <w:numId w:val="0"/> </w:numPr> <w:tabs> <w:tab w:val="left" w:pos="360"/> </w:tabs> <w:spacing w:line="260" w:lineRule="exact"/> <w:ind w:left="360" w:hanging="360"/> </w:pPr> ---------------------------------- after: <w:pPr> <w:pStyle w:val="NumberedList1"/> <w:numPr> <w:ilvl w:val="0"/> <w:numId w:val="0"/> </w:numPr> <w:tabs> <w:tab w:val="left" w:pos="360" w:leader="none"/> </w:tabs> <w:spacing w:lineRule="exact" w:line="260"/> <w:ind w:left="360" w:hanging="360"/> <w:rPr/> </w:pPr> Tested using Linux Mint x64 with LibreOffice Version: Build ID: f3070563c3071e05e9c448e261fec1e397bffb48 Locale: nl-BE (nl_BE.UTF-8) Kind regards, Joren