The toolbars have handles for moving them. Requested feature: When the user mouses over one of these handles, show a tooltip with the name of the toolbar. It would be preferable for the name of the toolbar to be suffixed with " toolbar" to help novice users to distinguish this tooltip from tooltips for action buttons. (The " toolbar" text would, of course, be different in non-English localizations.) Currently, the most obvious way to find out the name of a toolbar is to drag the handle to undock the toolbar. Then, after reading the toolbar name, the user has to drag the toolbar window's titlebar to dock the toolbar again. The requested tooltips would be helpful in user support: (a) in referring to toolbars when writing use cases in bug reports; (b) in showing users which toolbar contains a given function, in case different functions have similar icons and/or icon tooltips, or the user is advanced enough to do some showing & hiding of toolbars themselves. LibreOffice on Ubuntu 13.04. I'm using the "libreoffice/ppa" PPA from
Agree that this can be useful, especially for bug report by novices.
Feature request.