Add missing "Rank and Percentile" function from Data Analysis Toolkit.
Please note that Libreoffice 4.3 adds following functions: PERCENTILE.EXC, PERCENTILE.INC, PERCENTRANK.EXC, PERCENTRANK.INC, QUARTILE.EXC, QUARTILE.INC, RANK.EQ and RANK.AVG, MODE.SNGL, MODE.MULT, spreadsheet functions (refer: and and ) So adding percentile or atleast quartile, multi modal values using these new upcoming functions will be very useful.
Priority highest is reserved for MABs, please see: on when a bug qualifies for that. Thus keeping this on priority high.
Setting Assignee back to default. Please assign it back to yourself if you're still working on this issue
Changing priority back to 'medium' since the number of duplicates is lower than 5