Problem description: I want to know which is a symbol that I try to insert by menu/Alt+0,if I already have one in my document. Steps to reproduce: (sorry, I am not a programist, my point of view is of an user) 1. .... 2. .... 3. .... Current behavior: After marking a concrete sign in a real text and then pressing "Specjal sign" (menu or Alt+0) it is a new Window Specjal Symbols (Znaki specjalne in Polish, I have this one language) that is opened. But another symbol is marked in this window (that is, maybe the last choosen in history). But it isn't useful at all. Expected behavior: Should be a marked symbol be choosen in the modal window Znaki specjalne. If I had an 'a' marked, there would be a letter 'a' marked in the modal window, and the proper information: a U+0061(97)on the right. If a Chinese character is choosen, for instance from Wiki materials, there have to be a simple way to read what is a Unicode of this symbol. It works in MS Word and also in Kingsoft Writer, why not implementing the same into LibreOffice Writer? Operating System: All Version: release
Hi Marek, Good idea. I set Platform to All and Importance to Medium Enhancement. Kind regards, Jacques
Another way to identify the code of a character in MS Word (not found in LibreOffice yet) is pressing Alt-X when the caret is after the character, which converts the character to its hex code. Pressing Alt-X once more parses a hex code in the selection or before the insertion point and changes it to corresponding character. May be easier to implement but may be not.
Actually Alt+X is working in current LibreOffice version, although it's Alt-C on German installation and Command-Option-X on Mac. See more info in bug 73691.
As noted, the Alt+x toggle displays the Unicode codepoint No need to encumber the Special Character dialog which currently just picks up the font assigned to the paragraph--opening to a specific character by selection or position would be too complicated.