Created attachment 95920 [details] LO-Writer Document as a test-case for this bug. As can be seen from the sent attachments - when printing serial letters with variables from a database, information gets lost on any but the FIRST letter. In the given case this is the text "Salzburg, date..." as well as the horizontal line drawn towards the bottom. This happens under my LO 4.2.2, 32-bit, Linux system (both Debian Wheezy and Mint-Petra) but also in LO Normally my included db-data come from a MySQL-database, but the bug also exists when using a database based on a LO-Calc-Table (I will send it as an additional attachment). The situation is clearly unacceptable when printing larger numbers of serial letters. Regards Heinrich Stoellinger Salzburg
Created attachment 95921 [details] Database file for the bug
Created attachment 95922 [details] Calc table for testing calc table for using the odb-file...
Adding self to CC if not already on
Please attach the .ods file so we can test. You accidentally attached the db file twice. Set to NEEDINFO. Change back to UNCONFIRMED, if the problem persists. Change to RESOLVED WORKSFORME, if the problem went away.
The reporter emailed me to inform that LibO 5.0.2 does not have this issue anymore. WFM.
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