Add a version invrement UI to the Save As dialog. Use case: Starting a new set of edits that will result in the next published version. User selects save as from menu. In the dialog the user selects either increase Major, minor or no increase for the version number. The file name is adjusted with the new version number and all fields in the doc with version set are adjusted.
Hello cslee, *, what would be a difference with the "File – Versions..." dialog? You can choose to "Save a new version" or enable "Always save a version on closing". But maybe I just do not understand enough English to follow your description ... :( Sorry for the inconvenience Thomas.
(In reply to comment #1) > Hello cslee, *, > what would be a difference with the "File – Versions..." dialog? You can > choose to "Save a new version" or enable "Always save a version on closing". > But maybe I just do not understand enough English to follow your description > ... :( > > Sorry for the inconvenience > Thomas. No inconvenience, I have worked in many (6 organisations and many departments) where documents are named according to a version of the document as it is released either for review or final acceptance. In order to manage this the following elements are often used: 1. File name has a version umber in it 2. Title page has version in it 3. Footer has version in it So what I am after is a way to do a few things in one easy step. During a save As operation I would like to allow an incrementation of the version of the documet, this would need to do the following based on the version numbers adjusted in the Save As dialog: 1. Adjust the file name so the vern.n section is updated to the new numbers e.g. filenme-ver1.1.odt 2. Update the document field/varible named DocVersion to the same value 3. Update all the fields in the document that use that variable to the new value. Otherwise you get a situation that I have seen a lot over the years where the file name version and the version numbers in the document are all out of sync. Obviously adding a true document version (same as using the version dialog) at the same time might also be worth including or optional.
I do not feel this feature comes under the role of an office suite i.e., document editing / creation. Version Control Systems (VCS) and Content Management Systems (CMS) are designed to be used in conjunction with front-end editing / creating software and fulfill the role of managing document libraries more effectively.
The barrier for enhancement requests is quite low but the fact is that finding a developer to actually do the work (and getting UX and everyone to agree on how to implement) can be quite hard. That being said this is a fine enhancement request even if it will never get implemented. Marking as: New - confirmed to be a valid request (although unique) Enhancement Low - I really don't think that many users will find this useful, seems like it would be a pain to implement (especially adding yet more settings to our options) and you can currently just save a copy or save as and create a new version relatively easily.
I'm with Owen here. Such a feature would never be a viable replacement of CMS. We should rather improve the versioning option and introduce an option "Do not reset version" in the Save dialog. See also bug 88994.