It might be usefull to enhance the functionality of this tool, to transfer the format of one cell to "some" other cells if they are not connected directly Pressing STRG / CRTL should enable to hold the function active until released regards karl
One for you Karl.
The description of the desired functionality is incomplete, if not defective: what does "to some'other' cells" mean, why has the connection of cells - directly or indirectly - anything to do with the function of the brush, namely copying the format. If you don't provide precise examples, I do not understand the problem. Moreover, double-clicking the brush keeps the format settings for every cell you click on afterwards until you click on the brush again, so I see no need for another key combination to do the same job, and then, as I believe, in a less understandable way: who should know what Ctrl+Brush will do after some other clicks, and if it works only immediately after setting the brush, then the solution of once setting the brush by double-clicking is easier understandable and already working. I will set the status to "resolved/notabug" then, to remove it from the bug list.