Starting LibreOffice.../program/soffice.exe --help from command-line, a window/dialog opens with command/switch descriptions, the text goes past its height, but no scrolling option is available. Steps to reproduce: 1. Start soffice --help from CLI 2. "Help Message" window opens 3. Maximize, try to Ctrl+A the text, etc the "Help Message" window, no way to read the whole text. 4. Close button doesn't work too (probably the "textbox" overlays it). Also: Why not echo description to stdout (so it can be dumped to file)? Why no "/?" alias for windows? Operating System: Windows 7 Version: release - same thing
what about LibO
Basically same thing. The message window does fit into a 1920x1080 screen (couldn't try before), but on lower resolutions it again lays over the close button/past dialog bottom; text cannot be selected. Why not just add a memo/textbox?
Confirmed, setting as enhancement. Win 7 64-bit Version: Build ID: b021b5983c62e266b82d9f0c5c6d8d8900553827 TinderBox: Win-x86@42, Branch:master, Time: 2014-11-12_00:19:18
I believe that changes to bug 100826 have made this bug obsolete. Now the --help output is shown in a console window (either caller's if used from CLI, or a new one), and it has usual console's scrolling capabilities.
thanks for informations Mike. let's set this as WORKSFORME anyone feel free to reopen if you are not agree.