Bug 79257 - Other: pageNo() - a page number function request
Summary: Other: pageNo() - a page number function request
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: LibreOffice
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Calc (show other bugs)
(earliest affected) Master
Hardware: Other All
: medium enhancement
Assignee: Not Assigned
Whiteboard: BSA
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Blocks: Calc-Function
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Reported: 2014-05-26 11:21 UTC by Ahamed
Modified: 2017-06-28 05:29 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Ahamed 2014-05-26 11:21:22 UTC
Problem description: 
Many a times, it is required to know what the current page number of a particular cell by using a cell variable/function. For example, while preparing a detailed estimate, the page number of the data is to be known to the linked sheet. To achieve that a function namely PageNo() is necessary. For example, suppose the value or data in a cell "sheet3.W1111" (suppose it is in the 21st page) is to be referenced in "sheet 1" cell "A1"then we can easily use with a simple equation "=sheet3.W1111" in the cell A1 of "sheet1", we get whatever value in that cell. But to get the page number also of that cell in another cell "A2" in "sheet1", then there should be an equation/function something like "=PageNo(sheet3.W1111)" such that it returns the page no (here 21)

Let me clarify : when we use pagebreak view in the view menu, we get a watermarked page numbers in each page. What I need is catch that page number in every cell of that page (within that page or any other cell outside that sheet ie. another sheet). For a better understanding I shall clarify this further : THE value of the watermarked page number be available in a cell in THAT page eg. A1 cell the outcome of (intended function) should return 1 and suppose there is a page break and second page starts at A2 then in the cell THE fn. should return 2.

eg., suppose I am putting a function = pageNo() in the A1 cell it should give the cell value to 1 ie. page 1

Suppose my page style changes then the page size and the number of pages will also naturally be changing as we can see in page-break view (in the view view menu) as also the page number changes. what I require is the page number while in page break view be available in a cell- hope it is clear. what i mean is to suitably correct the water marked page numbers and catch that water-marked page numbers while in the page break view to a cell within that page

Hope it is clear putting all the steps involved are: 1. correct the page number in the watermarked pagenumber while in page break view to the print value (with respect to the page number to start with option in the sheet tab) 2. make it available as a function to the cell

1. ....
Hint: We get the correct pagenumber what we set during printing or in pdf conversion. The same methodology could be used to achieve this featur
Steps to reproduce:
2. ....
3. ....

Current behavior:
no such function -- BUT is available in MSEXCEL through an outside agency

Expected behavior:
the proposed function should give the corrected printable page number
may be with suitable option to give the watermarked page number in serial number (as available now) or with the proposed new printable format

Clue: please see the following links

www.oraxcel.com/projects/litlib (--here a similar function was seen developed) and

Operating System: All
Version: Master
Comment 1 Owen Genat (retired) 2014-07-22 02:45:45 UTC
Given the similar availability for Excel (via VBA/API) status set to NEW. Component set to Spreadsheet. Severity set to enhancement. Appears to depend on support in LO BASIC / UNO API. To what degree this is possible will need to be determined.