Hi all, In Italian Localization, Text Function RICERCA (searches a text/character inside a text) does not return correct value. Returns always 1. e.g. RICERCA(".";F2) returns 1 when F2=0.01 and F2=10.34. The same does not occur in Apache Open Office 4 neither in Excel (XP version) I spent a lot of time prior to discover it was a bug. I was thinking not to be able to use the function
The SEARCH function (RICERCA) understands regular expressions, where a single dot stands for "any character", so it matches the first character present in the text to be searched. If you do not want the dot to be interpreted as a regular expression meta-character, *either* escape it by a backslash so RICERCA("\.";F2), *or* switch off regular expressions altogether in all spreadsheet functions under Tools->Options->Calc->Calculate "General Calculations" -> "Enable regular expressions in formulas". Apache OO should have the same setting, it might had been disabled when you tried, MS-Excel does not know regular expressions at all. For more information on regular expressions see the LibreOffice online help term "regular expressions;list of".