Our internal StarBasic / VBA code has the ability to call native functions. Checkout: basic/qa/vba_tests/win32compatb.vb Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "kernel32" (lpPerformanceCount As LARGE_INTEGER) As Long eg. The calling functionality (for windows only) is in: basic/source/runtime/dllmgr-x86.c It would be wonderful to have systematic tests here; create a new / test shared library / DLL on windows that exports a number of the native types, and then invoke those methods for each type from basic - and check the results =) Thanks !
Created attachment 106550 [details] An initial attempt to extend this to the (64bit) currency type.
Migrating Whiteboard tags to Keywords: (EasyHack DifficultyInteresting SkillCpp TopicCleanup) [NinjaEdit]
JanI is default CC for Easy Hacks (Add Jan; remove LibreOffice Dev List from CC) [NinjaEdit]
Re-evaluating the EasyHack in 2022 This issue is still relevant. I don't even see the proposed tests get merged into the code.