Presently, only the outline and slide sorter views are available in the context menu and it would be good to have the other 2 views (notes and handout) as well. In order to not increase the main context menu heavily, it would be good to have all these 4 views in a submenu. Setting this submenu in the context menus of all the views will also fix bug 83576.
This submenu should appear underneath the 'slide show' entry and have a separator above and below it.
Impress ? ;) Note that context menus for various views offer different choices, obviously not the current view.
Yep impress. :D Well as the choices are checkbox type, it could have the full list all the time.
Do we really need that? We have the tabs for the views placed prominently at the top. Personally I have never noticed that some of these are also in the context menu and I would suggest to remove them completely. Seems just unnecessary there. PowerPoint and WPS Presentation also don't have it there.
Looking at the OOo stats shows that there was around a 50/50 percent split between users going to the view menu and using the context menu for outline view. Unfortunately there were no stats for the number of people who clicked the tabs. :D I would be in favour of removing them as well to reduce the clutter in the context menu, so go for it.
Removed with